Minds in Motion...Summer Camp...

Minds in Motion...Summer Camp...

Boys and Girls Ages 6-12

Morning session 8:30-11:30: Story Magic! Dive into the enchanting world of children's literature where students learn to unlock the English language.

Explore Your Favorite Tales: We start by analyzing a beloved children's story, uncovering the secrets behind its charm and magic.

Bring Words to Life: Under the guidance of our expert instructors, students will learn how to make words dance off the page as students create their own version of the story.

Artistic Expression: Students will learn how to complement their storytelling with captivating art projects. Whether drawing, painting, or crafting, these activities will help bring their unique story to life.

Lunch: Provided for full day

Afternoon session (12:30-3:30): Math Mystery and Science Spectacle! After a morning filled with creativity gear up for an afternoon of thrilling challenges and discoveries.

Math Escape Room: Students will test their logic and mathematical prowess in our exhilarating math escape room. Solve puzzles, crack codes, and work as a team to try and escape! Can you do it?

Science Fun with Physics: Be amazed by the wonders of science! Join our college University of Houston Physics students for a series of fun, hands-on experiments that make learning a blast. You will never know what to expect.

Morning or Afternoon Session- $275 (snacks provided)

Full Day- $360 (snacks and lunch provided)

June 24-28th 2024

8100 Washington Ave.

Houston, TX 77007

suite 150K

July 15-19th 2024

8100 Washington Ave.

Houston, TX 77007

suite 150K